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Safer Social Media Habits: Securing Your Profiles and Privacy Settings 


In a world of social media, where everything is always buzzing, it’s important to look out for your online presence. Safer Internet Day serves as a great reminder to check out your social media profiles to see what tools are available to help you control and manage your privacy across all platforms.   

To help manage your privacy settings on social media, we recommend following these tips:  

1. Limit Location and Routine Sharing 

Sharing vacation photos or daily routines might inadvertently disclose your absence from home. Wait until you’re back home to share your experiences and avoid indicating predictable patterns. 

2. Avoid ID Number Sharing 

Protect your identity by refraining from posting ID numbers, passport details or any financial information. Even seemingly innocuous content can lead to identity theft. 

3. Be Prudent with ‘About’ Section 

Refrain from divulging unnecessary personal details. Minimize information in the ‘About’ section of your social media profile, as seemingly harmless details could aid hackers in cracking security questions. 

4. Selective Connections 

Accept connection requests only from people you know. Consider setting up separate accounts for public personas, ensuring privacy in personal interactions. 

5. Password Strength & Uniqueness 

Strengthen passwords with length and uniqueness. Avoid recycling passwords across different platforms and consider using a secure password manager. 

6. Implement Two-Factor Authentication 

Enable two-factor authentication via authenticator apps for an added layer of security, avoiding reliance on SMS codes. 

7. Fine-Tune Privacy Settings 

Review and modify default privacy settings. Tailor who can view your profile, posts, and online activity across various social media platforms. 

8. Monitor Account Sessions 

Regularly check and log out of unrecognized devices or sessions to ensure exclusive access to your accounts. 

9. Public Wi-Fi Awareness 

Exercise caution when using public Wi-Fi. Only use secure connections to safeguard data transmissions. 

10. Stay Alert to Security Alerts 

Pay attention to security alert emails, texts and calls. Verify the authenticity of alerts to avoid falling prey to phishing attempts. 

11. Regular Software Updates 

Keep your devices and software up to date to protect against potential vulnerabilities exploited by cyber-attacks. 

Keeping your online self safe takes just as much practice as keeping your real self safe. Make securing your social media profiles as routine as securing your home at night. Take some time on Safer Internet Day to beef up your online security. If you believe your socials have been hacked, head to How to Recover Your Hacked Email or Social Media Account.